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tv   [untitled]    October 14, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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global noise until social demonstrations are stationed worldwide while x. posts raise eyebrows over the decision to abort the protesters tricking the european union with the nobel peace prize. see rebounds take a flight over its territory out to uncoil on ground to see one passenger plane for allegedly carrying russian weapons something moscow denies. one of the three jailed members of the russian punk band pussy riot is really sort of appeal as all to looks into how the group became a lucrative international brought. the
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latest news on the week's top stories this is the week here on out he was me us hello and welcome to the program. has swept across the planet dubbed a wake up call for the world against charging financial restrictions that the center of the global noise demonstrations is focused on europe with just this week received the nobel peace prize news that was received by many with surprise and puzzlement. ascii reports now from the spanish capital. the union needs for nudists have over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation democracy on human rights in europe but is this the piece they're talking about tear gas fascist flags and massive furious crowds of the most common sites across the award winning continent flee to the protests like this will add
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coal in thirty five countries across the world over the next several weeks the global and so i o's terry to voice only in spain alone hundreds of thousands have been voicing their anger ever since the government announced more painful budget cuts for next year everything with spending are is now unemployed and this grim story is pretty much the same for portugal and greece tom is one of the leaders of the protest movement in madrid sas people have just about had enough behind it the crisis and capitalist system right now here in spain transfer private that to public that and these causes huge cuts to public spending and has since then many education and it's affecting millions of poor people it's producing a huge you can employment and it's producing and whole social best composition of the whole society with so many going against the system across europe at times
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clashing violently with the police the decision to award the e.u. with a peace prize has raised many eyebrows this is like giving the prize to frankenstein for being the best monster created during the past twelve months there's only one contender for the peace prize this year and that's julian assange the fact that he did not win this prize is will be an eternal stain on the nobel committee no one has done more to push peace than julian assange should be getting the so wired from this committee the fact that they turn to a bunch of machines and technocrats and the a hero is an embarrassment they should go back to making dynamite. this award is even more questionable to some because of the e.u. is rather dubious peacemaking record and that moreover the current financial turmoil is the biggest danger to peace europe has been bombing libya and europe has been bombing syria you know it isn't bombing afghanistan or iraq yugoslavia a few years ago yes it is but there's they're trying to say ok guys we're giving
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you the whole year that yeah that europe has been spending money they don't have that's going to have to stop that is going to hold more rise more social order as more government failing and perhaps even countries failing and perhaps even people pulling out of the euro could lead to war again. in two thousand and nine barack obama won the same award having been in office for only two weeks that was before he sent more troops to afghanistan and waged war in libya but as the latest nobel peace prize award is debated worldwide protesters in spain seem to care little about the prestige down their own survival calls for independence are heard loud and clear in the country's largest and wealthiest region of the lumia a clear indication the continent is losing dr unity which the nobel committee has decided to. see reporting from madrid in spain and investment advisor patrick young believes they can on extend to jail believing economies of the tribe the entire region into a financial slump. it's
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a terrible it's a damning indictment of everything that's wrong with the european union there's no leadership there's no organization and everybody is surviving on a wing and a prayer hoping that the tooth fairy or some other miraculous being is going to suddenly see of the euro currency the problem is that once the e.u. gets a dogma well it tends to stick with it i mean somewhat like a dog with a stick really it put it into its might and chicks it all around the sides it won't let go of it and unfortunately what we're not seeing is the problem is that the northern european politicians let particularly by mrs merkel in germany have decided that they can't alternately give too much more money because they're not allowed to politically because their voters are against it but at the same time effectively they're in a situation where they're going to demand that i completely floored remedy is going to be used which is korea's austerity. syria has been take their civilian flights from entering its airspace in the latest
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escalation of tension between the countries this comes just days after taking a false start to see one person to play in for allegedly transporting russian weapons to damascus moscow says the cargo contained nothing but harmless and illegal electronics. they pointed their guns at us hungover us put us on the ground then they drove us back to the plane and to the. roof d'armes in better dignity with an international scandal thrown in on top all in the name of peace at least that's the stance taken by the turkish authorities when they tried to justify force for the grounding is syrian plane on route from moscow to damascus this is us. we entered the war peace and safety in this region that is our desire which we would never have an incentive to start a war on kharaj hasn't revealed exactly what was in the cargo of that plane though they do insist it was russian made a mission and technical equipment something moscow the mentally denies. it was
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certainly no armaments on this plane and they simply could not have been any ideals the aircraft was carrying a cargo that was being shipped from summit russian supplier to a legitimate customer in a legitimate way it was a cargo of electrical supplies for radar stations this is the purpose equipment but it is not barred by any international conventions surely neither do turkish officials say where they received the tipoff about the suppose it weapons on board some of those have their suspicions this is washington telling prime minister early one who says he's so independent to go in and go for it down the use the f. sixteen s for all it's peace mongering talk and righteous outrage over russia's supposed on willingness to help out in peace efforts in caracas peers to be surprisingly only planned when it comes to supporting one side in the syrian conflict the rebel fighters it is supporting the rebels it's allowing the. large
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quantities of ammunition. to enter syria. lebanese journalist uniform was described what she believed to be an arms delivery on the border between turkey and syria yet. the scene was a real. dark clean field with all of trees are and men and flashing lights from a. syrian group takes its cheer. i was asked not to film but the immensity of the journalist you know was interrogated for days by turkish officials before being released when she was back in lebannon should realize the incriminating pictures she'd filmed on the turkish syrian border had been wiped while she was in custody some believe still a g. towards president assad has little to do with the situation in syria and everything to do with iran's ambitions country as a major political player turkey is preparing itself for its one hundredth
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anniversary twenty twenty three it was the whole campaign of a very ambitious platform of how turkey is being alive is going to position itself as a global power on cries establishing itself as a regional boss threatening a full out war with syria and openly violating iraqi sovereignty by bombing kurdish space is not exactly what bombs would call feats of diplomacy so in turkish officials to speak of peace and stability in the region their words are drowned out by the exchange of fire with their neighbors in tel aviv r.t. . and you can find the full timeline of the conflict in syria on our web site. expert opinion in advance of analysis on the latest news out there waiting for your . call so bad last over a space shuttle endeavor makes its final journey to the kind of borneo science center we have the pictures online for. the race for russia's regions
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as all ministers of people across the nation are costing ballots for candidates running for posts ranging from rachel has to municipal officials and for the first time in eight years of voters are also choosing governors themselves. explains. this day russian voters are judging for themselves at who takes charge of their regions now more than twenty two millions of russians are expected to arrive at the polling stations and choose from an unprecedented number of candidates what is so interesting about those days is that it was introduced to a following last december's ways of government protests the biggest in russia's recent history and people during the protests were demanding changes to the current election system they also wanted to bring back direct regional elections to see more representatives on b. opposition in parliament at the time than president dmitry medvedev the scrapped the old system which sought regional officials hand-picked by the government and
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also made it easier for new political parties to emerge giving a more competitive complection to the local elections. the cancellation of the election of regional governors in russia had political reasons. to unify the regions because every government has in the job as a result of the country divided the introduction of elections for regional governors is now being implemented gradually and this is a very important step in the creation of this even society institutions of this giving more responsibility contributors and could also increase the level confession. or proofs of money as i said before this single voting day takes place for the first time in the last eight years and gives russians an opportunity to choose for themselves who they believe is worth the governing. council to decide turning a punk band into a global brand pussy riot have become a name recognized worldwide making some question of their real goals and oppression
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objectives of the phenomenon. and also the stronghold of believe in opposition remains comes from vital supplies a series of violent clashes with the armed forces the details i trust. it always amazes me the lengths that people go to for things that are pointless people camped out for a week waiting for a new i phone that will be archaic by next year when the next one comes out every black friday many but thankfully not all americans celebrate this holiest of shopping days by waiting outside of a wal-mart in the early morning to fight over trendy plastic gifts for their children that they're too young to appreciate hey even i'm willing to sometimes
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wake up early in the morning to drive downtown and pay twenty five bucks for parking to watch a football game on rare occasions but just imagine a world where we actually were willing to wake up early and stand a big crowd for something say more important than some stupid gizmo or the sake of our favorite sports team just imagine iraq and that world would be yeah maybe standing around some protester collecting signatures won't do anything we can't be naive enough to think that big corporations will bow to ten people with signs bought spending days worshiping at the altar of the i phone it's certainly won't improve your country but that's just my opinion. secret. to building a new. mission to teach music. this is why you should care.
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more news today. fleda if these are the images. from the streets of canada. today. to the future science technology innovation is developments around russia. i think.
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it. should. this is also the welcome bank a member of the jailed russian punk band pussy riot was freed on appeal this week although her two colleagues failed to get their sentences of a turned in august the trio were hundred to yet turns for an end to putin stunt in russia's main orthodox cathedral she's point of boycott reports now on the way the
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band members have been able to cash in on the media frenzy. pussy riot the feminist punk rock has registered trademark a brand new global one major russian concert organizer says they've been flooded with calls from foreign promoters offering to organize a. tour that could fetch up to six hundred million euros. over the u.s. there's a red square behind me that post the riot stormed the area and performed an offensive song about florida may have a warm up gig of sorts but that particular stunt didn't bring the punk rock was the big break that they were after internet of tension on the internet and more importantly failed to rouse the interest of the dorothy's just weeks later kirsty riot took their protest start to. the stunning
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video went viral kristie riot were arrested their trial a worldwide media circus western and russian celebrities forced the women's release . international branded them prisoners of conscience and free pussy riot t. shirts sold out the pussy that was quite normal that's the way you attract attention there was a look that famous pop stars around the world look at the way but always dressed look at that look at all the other. well we can do as well as that or we could do something different and they hated the idea of going into the cathedral and singing that blasphemous song because that. would in fact be something. chairing the trial somewhat struck by the women's defense team's tactics. there is no defense in this case it's simple p.r. uncorking. they're working towards the brand in order to capitalize on it in the future and it's worked i think two years in prison for the crime they committed is
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too harsh. but at the same time i can see that their lawyers did everything in order to get them those two years in prison. the bonds appeal against the sentences is perspire and in a moscow court last week one band member to rina so much said it unexpectedly announced she now wants different lawyers from her fellow band members the photo call was still on though. we're not in a position to comment on her actions but we continue to represent the other two women but a trial observer believes it signals a rift among the punk rock collective. i think you could to rina someone save each took another look at the situation and saw the following all the attention goes to a dazed. she's been pegged as the face of the band the lawyers are making a name for themselves what did curtis and say we should get two years of prison for war so i think she decided to get some real lawyers that be fighting in order to
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humiliate russia in the face of the worst but to actually free her but. prosecutors say the dissenting band member is merely a ploy to add hype to a story that's not generating the headlines it did it's the benefit of hindsight that led some observers to question just how contrived the percy riot phenomenon was and continues to be with the concept requests pouring in there are those that say that pussy riot horse appeal is just like the trial that preceded it the point here isn't to reduce the women sentences but rather it's about increasing the number of clicks headlines and the saleability of the now protected pussy riot brand. mosque. and mr gates of journalist only go sling says the resulting popularity and vandalism in the wake of the bonds trial raises a big question over who's really benefited from the sentence. let's not forget was
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else is going on around the world around this case because you have got loads of problems with the in a way you know part of the punishment is to stop these people cashing in on the free publish to the you know this published there's been two prizes awarded to these people one from the lennon oh no from which is a prize for peace which i find incredible since this has been such a divisive case the other is the luther prize which has been awarded boy the city of wittenberg which is where protestantism started and what's happened is the city has awarded the prize for the people of the city and they are protesting against that saying you know we don't actually endorse this sacrilege i think there's something really a bit sad about an organization that defines itself quite opposition to the church and it's quite clear through this court case that's what this is about we've even had the district creation of all three dogs crosses across eastern europe in different parts of eastern europe in support of pussy riot so this is actually
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about i think an attack on the cathedral an attack on the church. and let's not take a brief look at some more of the day's world news islam is fighters in mali have threatened to open the doors of helpful french citizens in the area of paris father pushes for armed intervention the u.n. security council has unanimously voted to accept a french drafted resolution calling for a military mission to liberate markets rebel held north islam is groups have controlled two thirds of the country since sweeping into its territory in april. at least two militants have been killed and one injured in an israeli air strike in northern gaza the israeli military reportedly carried out four strikes said to target science of terrorist activity however the other three times did not result in casualties the strikes were launched in response to a rocket fired from gaza into southern israel on friday the day was portably members of a jihadist salafist group blamed for a series of violent attacks on israel. and. or tell me
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a military patrol has opened fire on its own president and hunted up till as is was returning to the capital after regional trip when his convoy was hit by bullets authorities say their soldiers did not recognize the president's vehicles as they passed by shot injured the leader in the arm and he's now being treated at a hospital. levy an armed forces continue to surround the opposition stronghold of bani walid the conflict has already claimed at least ten lives after a series of confrontations on the eastern outskirts of the city earlier this week residents have been left without access to basic necessities and are calling for international rescue however they seizure was partially lifted on wednesday allowing the red cross to access the city but the first time since the standoff began the bear currently ruled by the national congress remains unstable ever since last year's uprising resulted in the ousting and death of mom and journalist james corbett believes the coverage exposes they were ality of. it just goes to show that
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the deeply divided lines in the country right now tribally ethnically in terms of geography it's a deeply divided country and there are a number of different problems that are playing itself out politically in libya right now in this just goes to show once again that that not only is libya ungoverned to a large extent at the moment but is perhaps given its current political state ungovernable in this particular instance we have that the prime minister being pulled out in a vote of no confidence because he was unable to form a cabinet and basically this is due to both the pressures from the people themselves there was a popular protest movement basically saying that each individual city was complaining they were under represented in this proposed cabinet and you have the political dealings with the major parties behind the scenes including an offshoot of the muslim brotherhood which is trying to get into a greater position of power in the country so there's a lot of power politics playing out and there's no easy solution on the horizon for the people and we're really the country is descending into
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a type of chaos that is really the predictable result of this type of regime change through violence that we've seen time and again throughout the past decade from afghanistan to iraq to libya and potentially now towards syria. thursday this week it was time for the u.s. vice presidential hopefuls to cross swords in the battle for the hearts and minds of americans ahead of november's presidential election this russian president i know this is your advice and i know you're under a lot of the rush to make up. but i think you will be better served if we don't keep interrupting each other well if we don't tell you all four minutes. halt proved to be all style t.v. debates democrat joe biden and republican paul ryan spot of house to foreign policy and domestic moxon's to show that walls apart and such biting issues as the crisis in syria and what washington's next steps should be over iran and afghanistan. suggest says there was no. that's something that could never be won on
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a stays not that play our say so says california state university professor paul sheldon. after the first debate between obama and romney political cartoonist through a picture i don't hear those fighting each other with their noses this is no different than what other way to life throat neither side would attack the other on things in which they were both rebel and that's why you have to pick these tiny little issues for example of why it was biden said correctly that. ryan had voted to us put iraq again and again to stand wars on the credit card helping to cause the deficit is actually right he was right about that he didn't bother to say the democrats whoop were. right and of course he's one of the ones who says there's going to be we need to know why i told world domination what i told the military over agree but at the same time you had to go all to us aid there was the world. order but terrorism
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impacted america and saudi arabia one more terrorist organization he's in the region than anybody else it's time for them to quit whining and start to achieve your goal is what the world watching and a couple of minutes well into g.c. to the russian build of a modern noise. on the march under god these men and women are walking one of the longest and probably the loneliest road in the world they reenacting march into exile made by thousands of czarist russia. if i was here three hundred years ago i may have disappeared my local lord i may have deserted from the army or a variety of other crimes the result was the same like my fellow prisoners around me i've got a long and very cold walk ahead into exile in siberia yet it took them years to get
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there summers and winters entire years a lot of people died on the way this group in the western siberian region of omsk discovered they're living on the only surviving stretch of the original nine thousand kilometers of the siberian exiles track that's had no modern changes made to it is going to discover that he's descended from some of these exiles and decided to build a museum telling a story he and his re-enact is now receiving from all over the world to show them what it was like when the. going is that it's scary to put the shackles on of course but it's interesting if we don't remember our history we will have no future . it's a monument to one of the czarist russia cruellest chapters. the city served as the capital of anti communist white russian leader admiral culture shock in the civil war from one thousand nine hundred to nine hundred ninety whilst in residence he lived here though the study of the man like the maintenance of this building has
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remained a taboo right up until the present day or we still receive hate mail saying that he hanged a lot of people and was famous for severe punishment it's all true but it was at a time of civil war both sides were monstrously cruel it is sadly the theme of cruelty which links so. much of this history to the rest of rushes particularly of exile where they were not a criminal. download the official application to choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch ati any time at.
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the mission free accreditation free zones for chargers free the arrangement free is free studio types free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media old dog r.t. dot com. nicholas simeonoff has been able to create a noah's ark in a russian village an ordinary postman has become a symbol of mutual assistance and selflessness. in a silk checkout the first day in which. single light driving a tractor catalog alina.


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